
KinectやLeap motion, VRやARなどの技術を使ってやったことのメモとか

2024年4月 台北グルメ旅行の記録


1. 往復便


チャイナエアライン 223便 
  発 2024/04/29 07:55  東京/羽田空港
  着 2024/04/29 10:35  台北/松山空港


チャイナエアライン 222便 
  発 2024/04/30 18:05  台北/松山空港
  着 2024/04/30 22:05  東京/羽田空港


2. 旅の記録





Ray Interaction in MetaQuest

0. Contents of This Article

This article covers interaction with controllers and pointers (Ray) in Meta Quest. Specifically, it explains the procedure for detecting Hover (pointing) and Selection (click) using Ray. You can confirm the operation in the sample provided on GitHub, in the 05-RayInteraction or 05-RayInteraction-AR scenes.

*This video is for AR, but it supports both AR and VR.

It should be noted that this article assumes manipulating the cube displayed in VR or AR scenes created with the following links. Since it starts with just viewing the cube in Quest without adding any special components to it, you can achieve object manipulation in other projects by following the content of this article and subsequent articles. (Assumes the use of OVRCameraRigInteraction prefab instead of OVRCameraRig)

[VR Version]

[AR Version]


1. Duplicate the Scene

It is possible to edit the scene created in the previous article, but to avoid breaking it while trying object manipulation, duplicate the scene. Skip if not needed.

  • Open the VR or AR scene created in the previous article
  • Click File -> Save As...
  • Save the current scene with a new name
    * In this article, it will be named RayInteraction
  • Ensure that the scene name displayed in the Hierarchy is RayInteraction

UI Control in Unity with MetaQuest

0. Contents of This Article

This article introduces how to operate buttons as an example of Unity UI operation on Meta Quest. First, this article confirms that hands and controllers can interact with buttons, and then explains how to make the cube disappear when a button is pressed as an example of interaction. You can also check the operation in the sample 04-UiInteraction or 04-UiInteraction-AR scene published on GitHub.

*This video is for AR, but it supports both AR and VR.

It should be noted that this article assumes manipulating the cube displayed in VR or AR scenes created with the following links. Since it starts with just viewing the cube in Quest without adding any special components to it, you can achieve object manipulation in other projects by following the content of this article and subsequent articles. (Assumes the use of OVRCameraRigInteraction prefab instead of OVRCameraRig)

[VR Version]

[AR Version]


1. Duplicate the Scene

It is possible to edit the scene created in the above article, but to try object manipulation without breaking it, duplicate the scene. Skip if not needed.

  • Open the VR version or AR version scene created until last time
  • Click File -> Save As...
  • Save the current scene with a new name, e.g., UiInteraction for this article
  • Check that the scene name displayed in the Hierarchy is UiInteraction

Manipulating Far Objects in MetaQuest

0. Contents of This Article

This article introduces how to grab and manipulate 3D objects (cubes) at a distance in Meta Quest. While the video is AR-based, it is compatible with both AR and VR.
You can also confirm the operation in the sample scenes 03-FarManipulation or 03-FarManipulation-AR available on GitHub.


Please note that this article assumes that the preparations have been completed as described below.



Manipulating Nearby Objects in MetaQuest

0. Contents of This Article

This article introduces how to grab and manipulate nearby 3D objects (cubes) in Meta Quest. This video is an AR version, but it is compatible with both AR and VR. You can also confirm the operation in the 02-NearManipulation or 02-NearManipulation-AR scene of the sample available on GitHub.


Please note that this article assumes that the preparations described in the following have been completed.



Manipulating Objects in MetaQuest (Preparation)

0. Contents of This Article

This article begins by introducing how to manipulate a 3D object (cube) using Meta Quest. However, when it comes to grabbing objects in VR or AR, the required settings vary depending on whether the object is nearby or far away. In this series, we'll cover how to achieve this for each case. As a preparation, this article explains the settings that are common to each case.

*This video is for AR, but it's compatible with both AR and VR.

It should be noted that this article assumes manipulating the cube displayed in VR or AR scenes created with the following links. Since it starts with just viewing the cube in Quest without adding any special components to it, you can achieve object manipulation in other projects by following the content of this article and subsequent articles. (Assumes the use of OVRCameraRigInteraction prefab instead of OVRCameraRig)

[VR Version]

[AR Version]


1. Duplicate the Scene

You can edit the scene created in the previous article, but to try object manipulation without breaking it, duplicate the scene. Skip this section if unnecessary.

  • Open the VR or AR scene created in the previous article.
  • Click on File -> Save As...
  • Save the current scene with a new name, e.g., FarManipulation.
  • Make sure that the scene name displayed in the Hierarchy is FarManipulation.

AR Display Using MetaQuest's Passthrough Feature

0. Contents of This Article

This article introduces the steps to display 3D objects (cubes) in AR using Meta Quest. You can also confirm the operation in the 01-ShowObject-AR scene of the sample published on GitHub.


This article will edit scenes created with the following and convert them to AR. Please read this first. However, if you already have a VR scene using Meta XR SDK, you do not need to check the following article.


1. Duplicate the Scene

It is possible to edit the scene created in the previous article, but to try AR without breaking it, duplicate the scene. Skip if unnecessary.

  • Open the scene you want to convert to AR.
  • Click File -> Save As... to save the current scene with a new name. *In this article, it will be named ShowObject-AR.
  • Confirm that the scene name displayed in the Hierarchy is ShowObject-AR.